Thank you for your interest in our Blog! We are a group of professionals in Administration, comprised of: Carmen Souquett, Lilly Valero, Maria Victoria Maldonado and Luis Gallardo, now culminating a specialization in Human Resource Management in Francisco de Miranda University College, in Caracas, Venezuela.
sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016
Bookkeeping Basics1
The video speak about
There are 5 different accounts types of accounts generally speaking
their subdivisions which are
·Assets: You can check all your movements in a bank make a record and follow you
·A nice example of this is as the video says make an account named petty
cash; that account will make you keep a track of you expenses.
·Liabilities: they´re all those things that make you lose your
income we´ve many examples for this, such as: pre-paid revenues
·Equity: they are guarantees that could be negative if the liabilities exceed the
cost of whatever asset you loaned a perfect example of this are the mortgages.
·Income: Are all those things you receive
·Expenses: expenses are payments of an article or a service
Is important to make reference
·Petty cash: personal expenses used as payments or refunds of a
company. These expenses must be treated carefully and kept them documented to
make sure that nobody has stold anything
·Pre-paid revenues: they are payments done already beforehand or with previous
commitment and if you don’t deliver that service you have to make a
El vídeo nos habla de
5 tipos diferentes de
cuentas las cuales son:
Activos: Los activos representan
todos los bienes y derechos que posee una empresa. Estos pueden ser físicos
(tangibles), como el dinero, un terreno, un edificio, etc. También pueden ser
activos intangibles como la propiedad
intelectual, una
marca, entre otros.
Pasivos:Los pasivos son todas las obligaciones
que tiene un negocio con alguna entidad. Así por ejemplo: si una empresa decide
solicitar un préstamo para poder continuar con sus actividades, esta se
compromete a pagar dicho préstamo en un tiempo determinado. Esa obligación que
tiene el negocio de pagar el préstamo es a lo que se le llama pasivo.
Capital:El capital contable representa
las aportaciones de los propios dueños del negocio, las aportaciones que hacen
los inversores externos o el propio capital ganado. Al invertir en un negocio los
inversores adquieren derecho sobre los activos de una empresa.
Ingresos: Los ingresos representan el
dinero que entra a una empresa debido a las actividades económicas de la
misma. Si una empresa comercial vende mercancías al contado se contabiliza la
operación dándole un débito a efectivo (activo) y un crédito aVenta
de mercancías(el
Costos: Un costo es todo desembolso de
dinero que se hace con el objetivo de adquirir un activo que generará
beneficios económicos al negocio. Además del precio del activo que se adquiere,
también se considera un costo a todo el proceso que conlleva poner dicho activo
en funcionamiento. Así por ejemplo, si una empresa decide
comprar mercancías, las cuales deben de ser transportadas hasta el local,
se deberá de registrar la compra de mercancías como un costo y también el flete
(el costo del transporte).
Gastos: Un gasto es un egreso o
salida de dinero que está destinado a la distribución de un
producto o bien podría ser un desembolso causado por la administración
de una empresa. Un gasto financia una actividad específica en beneficio de la
empresa, pero se diferencia del costo porque queda consumido al instante. Son
ejemplo de gastos: los salarios administrativos, el pago de la energía
eléctrica, el pago de transporte para la venta de un producto (ojo, no
confundir con el flete, que es el transporte que se pagacuandose
adquiere un producto).
The video speak about There are 5 different accounts types of accounts generally speaking their subdivisions which are Assets: You can check all your movements in a bank make a record and follow you expenses. A nice example of this is as the video says make an account named petty cash; that account will make you keep a track of you expenses. Liabilities: they´re all those things that make you lose your income we´ve many examples for this, such as: pre-paid revenues Equity: they are guarantees that could be negative if the liabilities exceed the cost of whatever asset you loaned a perfect example of this are the mortgages. Income: Are all those things you receive Expenses: expenses are payments of an article or a service
Is important to make reference to: Petty cash: personal expenses used as payments or refunds of a company. These expenses must be treated carefully and kept them documented to make sure that nobody has stold anything Pre-paid revenues: they are payments done already beforehand or with previous commitment and if you don’t deliver that service you have to make a reimbursement.
The video speak about
ResponderEliminarThere are 5 different accounts types of accounts generally speaking their subdivisions which are
Assets: You can check all your movements in a bank make a record and follow you expenses.
A nice example of this is as the video says make an account named petty cash; that account will make you keep a track of you expenses.
Liabilities: they´re all those things that make you lose your income we´ve many examples for this, such as: pre-paid revenues
Equity: they are guarantees that could be negative if the liabilities exceed the cost of whatever asset you loaned a perfect example of this are the mortgages.
Income: Are all those things you receive
Expenses: expenses are payments of an article or a service
Is important to make reference to:
Petty cash: personal expenses used as payments or refunds of a company. These expenses must be treated carefully and kept them documented to make sure that nobody has stold anything
Pre-paid revenues: they are payments done already beforehand or with previous commitment and if you don’t deliver that service you have to make a reimbursement.